On its sixth edition, one of the most exciting light festivals in Europe illuminates Amsterdam with 36 luminous art installations. The pieces were selected from over 900 submissions received during last year’s call for concepts.
This year's participating artists, designers and architects from Australia, Belgium, China, Canada, England, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Russia, and the United States based their work on a central theme: “Existential”.
This year, the Amsterdam Light Festival adds a land exhibition to the already traditional water exhibition. The water exhibition consists of 21 artworks on and around the canals in the historical center of Amsterdam. The land exhibition - 15 artworks - takes place on Marineterrein Amsterdam in walking distance from Amsterdam Central Station.
The “thinline”, a 6.5km-long art installation created by world famous Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei connects all the light artworks throughout the city. The “thinline” represents a border, Ai Weiwei confronts the audience with both literal and metaphorical borders.
You can visit the festival walking, cycling or you can take a boat tour along the exhibition sites, both on land and on the canals.
The land exhibition will be open until 7 January 2018 in the Marineterrein Amsterdam,
The water exhibition will keep the canals in the city center glowing every evening from 17:00 to 23:00 until 21 January 2018.